Tuesday, November 28, 2023



Books Set In a Bookstore or Library

84, Charing Cross Road

Helen Hanff 

The definitive book about bookstores. Helen Hanff, an American freelance writer, shared her epistolary friendship with a London bookseller

The Banned Bookshop of Maggie Banks

Shauna Robinson

Maggie Banks has no direction in her life.  When she covers for a friend at a bookstore (that isn't allowed to sell well known books) she finds a purpose, a place to be, and love

 The Book Shop of Yesterdays

Amy Meyerson

Miranda Brooks is in over head trying to run the bookstore she inherits from a long lost relative

The Bookseller's Secret

Michelle Gable 

The Mayfair Bookshop

Eliza Knight

 Both books tell the story of British author Nancy Mitford working in a bookshop in WWII London

The Library of Lost Things (Y A)

Laura Namey Taylor 

Darcy Wells meets Asher Fleet at her after school bookstore job.  Can she let him into her tumultuous home life?

The Lost For Words Bookshop

Stephanie Butland 

Loveday Cardew faces up to her tragic past in the solace of her work at a bookstore

The Personal Librarian

Marie Benedict / Victoria Christopher Murray 

Belle de Costa Greene, a black woman who passed as white, served as J.P. Morgan's personal book collector

The Readers of Broken Wheel Recommend

Katarina Bivald 

Sarah, from Sweden, moves to Broken WheeI, Iowma to meet her bookish pen pal Amy.  But by the time Sarah arrives in hometown, Amy has died. Sarah stays and re-establishes the town bookstore 


Recommended For You  (Y A)

Laura Silverman

Teen Shoshanna tries to best rival Jake in a book sales contest


Three Junes 

Julia Glass

Fenno, a Scottish transplant to America, operates a travel based bookstore in New York city

Wednesday, November 22, 2023



(This review is my own opinion and NOT affiliated with any other literary entity)

"New York is for those who do first and dream second. L.A. is for those who dream first and do second." Karen Tanabe's The Sunset Crowd takes The Great Gatsby out of 1920s Art Deco New York City and sets it on L. A'.s sunny but hazy Sunset Strip. Standing in for the triad of Daisy, Gatsby and Nick are a trio of women. Socialite Daisy is represented by Evra Scott, Hollywood progeny and owner of the hottest boutique in L. A. Gatsby becomes Theodore Leigh, a production assistant who speaks fluent Chinese and belts out Tom Waits - with Tom Waits. Chronicling everything a la Nick is photographer Beatrice Dupont, her camera a metaphor for Gatsby's ever watchful eyes.

While the characters of Gatsby dreamed more than did, their Los Angeles counterparts are doers. Evra works hard to make her store a unique must shop destination. Theodora Leigh toils away at a job for which she is overqualified, waiting for her big break as a movie producer. Evra's boyfriend and (Bea's old school chum) Kai de la Fair wants to write the perfect screenplay. Bea photographs rockstars, models, and actresses, at parties, premieres, hotels - anyone who appears anywhere to look beautiful and be told how beautiful they look.

Reading The Sunset Crowd is like viewing The Great Gatsby through a kaleidoscope. With each turn of the kaleidoscope the image changes ; Bea is both Nick and Gatsby as she pines for Kai, her high school crush. In one view through the kaleidoscope Theodora is an adorable new friend, someone exciting who shakes things up in a good way. With another turn of the kaleidoscope she is a more nefarious Gatsby, manipulating and lying to get what she wants. In L. A. public images, personas, ideals, and friendships are always changing, shifting, becoming something new.

If The Sunset Crowd is a retelling of Gatsby, it's a feminist one, complete with a denim vagina. Women show their bodies freely in sexy clothes - or often nothing at all. The novel discusses sexual assault, as well as public opinion about sexual assault. Women want to get ahead in Hollywood, but only get so far, even in a very feminist era. The novel is about female agency, the right to express yourself as a woman without judgment and to not be judged by your ambition.

With Bea as narrator we experience the novel through her eyes as much as through the lens of her camera.  And what readers see is glitz, glamour, and a gruesome reality that not everything is as it appears and sometimes is much much worse. Bea grows weary of her Los Angeles life, the lies, her friends being personalities rather than  people. After the novels tragic denouemont Bea is ready to begin again. Instead of being "borne back ceaselessly into the past," Bea instead tells readers "I walked--I ran--into the red morning."

Tuesday, November 21, 2023



10 ~ Books occupy my time ~ When I'm waiting for the bus, or on an afternoon when it's too snowy to go outside (which is often in Wyoming) I always have something to do

9 ~ Books give me movies and TV to watch ~ Whether it's re-watching Greta Gerwig's Little Women for the hundredth time or checking out a brand new series, I always discover something new

8 ~ Books gave me a motif for decorating my living room ~ My decor motif is cozy reading nook and my living room is filled with literary tote bags, bookish candles, a fan made from a book, flowers made from the pages of a book, and of course actual books

7 ~ Books inspire me ~ I read mostly feminist historical fiction so I'm always learning about women from the past and the odds they had to overcome, which inspires me to be the best person I can be

6 ~ Books help me learn about the lives of authors ~ I have loved learning about the lives of authors ever since I read the Little House on the Prairie series of books when I was a child. Every classic book I read makes me want to learn about the author's life

5 ~ Books mean I get to sport some pretty cool bookish gear ~ I have many books themed t-shirts, socks and of course tote bags which I use to tell the world that I am a book person

4 ~ Books help me learn about the past ~ I have learned so much about other races and cultures and everything they have had to go through to shape our modern world

3 ~ Books give me an escape ~ I have anxiety and borderline agoraphobia so I have difficulty dealing with people. When I read books I don't have to talk or express myself eloquently ; I can just enjoy the lives of other people without feeling like I'm not living my life the way other people think I should

2 ~ Books got me back into writing ~ I have dreamed of becoming an author my whole life, and I've never really known what I wanted to be when I grew up except that I wanted whatever I did to involve books. I found Net-galley and signed up to review books thinking it would be great to be able to read my favorite author's new releases before anyone else, but in reviewing books I've returned to writing and I hope to expand my book blog to include more writing in the coming year

1 ~ Books give me a sense of community ~ Whether I'm in a bookstore or library, or simply watching a book unboxing on youtube, I feel like I am amongst my people




10 ~ White, E. B. ~ Charlotte's Web ~ my third grade teacher read this book to the class and that was my first time with reading being an interactive experience (note - she also read us parts of Pet Cemetary)

9 ~ Larkin, Allison ~ People We Keep, The ~ a novel that tells us we can rise above even the most difficult circumstances

8 ~ McAllister, Greer ~ Girl In Disguise ~ ignited my passion for feminist historical fiction

7 ~ Brunt, Carol Rifka ~ Tell the Wolves I'm Home ~ a beautifully written novel with a devastating story

6 ~ Hinton, S. E. ~ Outsiders, The ~ gave me Ponyboy Curtis, my number one book boyfriend

5 ~ Wharton, Edith ~ Age of Innocence, The ~ simply one of the best books ever written and indulges my love of the Gilded Age

4 ~ Lee, Harper ~ To Kill a Mockingbird ~ my favorite book of all time

3 ~ Montgomery, L. M. ~ Anne of Green Gables ~ the reason I have wanted red hair my entire life

2 ~ Alcott, Louisa May ~ Little Women ~ of course any girl with a writerley bent worships Joe March

1 ~ Wilder, Laura Ingalls ~ Little House Series ~ these are the books that made me a lifelong reader