Tuesday, January 16, 2024




These are my 2024 reading goals :

1 ~ Complete at least 12 prompts from my reading challenge

Seems easy enough, but some challenges can be completed with up to nine books

2 ~ Empty out my TBR basket

I have many books I've accrued over a few years. I want to empty my basket ... and fill it up again...

3 ~ Finish the bibliographies of :

Marie Benedict

The Other Einstein

Lady Clementine 

Her Hidden Genius 

Melanie Benjamin

The Children's Blizzard 

Jamie Ford

Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet

Love and Other Consolation Prizes

The Songs of Willow Frost

Adriana Trigiani

The Good Left Undone 

Kiss Carlo

There are other writers whose bibliographies I want to make progress with including Jennifer Chiaverini, Erika Robuck, Lisa See, and Elizabeth Strout

4 ~ Keep up with my Net-galley reviews

I got woefully behind when I started my other blog and I feel rushed to finish. I don't want the same thing to happen this year

These goals aren't just for this year but an overall plan to enhance my reading life :

1 ~ Become a better blogger / reviewer

I'm new to reviewing and I want to eventually make this my career, so I need to work on making my blog attention worthy. I also want to incorporate essays about historical subjects from the books I read, and essays about classic authors. I'm also starting throwback Thursday - dedicated to the re-visiting books I read as a child and teen

2 ~ Create a reading balance

I am going to approach 2024 reading with a method : Read a new release / Read a Net-galley book / Read a long time TBR book / Read a book from one of my mystery series or a classic novel. I can also dedicate a month to a particular theme like books set in Hollywood or books set in WWI or dedicate a month to a particular prompt on my reading challenge

3 ~ Read as much as I can

I'm not setting a number goal this year as I always feel pressure to achieve the goal and get upset when I'm behind. I get in reading slumps as readers do. Reading is my happy place - why make a happy thing stressful?

4 ~ Read Historical Fiction from a wider array of eras

I tend to stick to the Gilded Age and want to learn more about other historical eras

5 ~ Read more out of my comfort zone

Not every book has to be about a woman from history ... but I like it when they are


  1. I would like to start doing bibliographies of authors. Good luck on you goals.
    My TTT: https://snapdragonalcoveblog.wordpress.com/2024/01/16/top-ten-tuesday-2023-bookish-goals-2/

  2. I can so relate to getting behind in NetGalley reviews (as I imagine many bloggers can!). I love the idea of creating a reading balance! That's a really neat way of looking at it. Branching out your reading is always an admirable goal, too, but I bet you'll be glad after you do it. I was very dedicated to fantasy for a very long time, and since I started reading more widely, I've found things I love about most genres! :) Good luck with your goals this year!

  3. I love the goal of creating reading balance. Makes lots of sense! Good luck with all these.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!
