Tuesday, June 25, 2024


(Book for review courtesy of NetGalley)

From James Bond to cold war secret traders spies have long been a source of fascination. But do we think of a lady in Civil War petticoats when we think of the word spy? We should, thanks to Kate  Warne (profiled on T Y D K Y N T K.) Megan Campisi's novel The Widow Spy begins with Warne and The Pinkertons investigating Rose Greenhow, real life socialite spy for the confederacy. Campisi's first person narrative takes readers right into Warne's mindset as America's first female detective and the excitement and burden that causes Warne. Warne is intelligent and fierce, and free with her opinions - (distilling Romeo and Juliet down to "the lesson is to obey your parents.") The Widow Spy follows Warne and The Pinkertons throughout Greenhow's arrest and trial for espionage and Warne recounts her life and Pinkerton cases throughout the novel. Through The Widow Spy Kate Warne, one of America's most important and most forgotten women, gets the recognition she deserves.

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