Wednesday, July 19, 2023


This review is my own opinion and NOT affiliated with any other literary entity

Chanel Cleeton's newest novel, The Cuban Heiress, is like if Rebecca had a threesome with Titanic and To Catch a Thief. Set aboard the Morro Castle, two women are tied together by one man - one woman seeks revenge, and the other respectability. Catherine, aboard the ship with her fiance and his daughter, shoots the stranger who randomly attacks her. A charismatic jewel thief comes to her aid. The other woman, Elena, seeks a gun smuggled on board in a trunk. No one aboard the ship has any clue of the real life tragedy that will take place.

In the end both women survive - in more ways than one. I feel Catherine's story was more fleshed out than Elena's, but Catherine's story does include a debonair jewel thief.  Full of intrigue from the start The Cuban Heiress illuminates a real life tragic event and uses the disaster to tell in all too real story of women in a man's world. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned, and that certainly applies to a woman on a burning boat. In the end revenge is exacted, and each woman gets just what she deserves.

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