Thursday, July 27, 2023



1) Dropped a book on your face while reading


2) Hid a book you were reading


3) Lied about what you’re reading


4) DNF a book

MANY books.  Why waste time finishing a book you hate when you can spend your time reading books you love?

5) Dreamed of a book boyfriend

Lookin' at you Ponyboy Curtis, with Gilbert Blythe on the sly

6) Complained about a book turned movie

Do not ever ask me about the first version of The Time Travelers' Wife.  You will get an angry lecture that culminates in me just grrr-ing for about five minutes.

7) Said the movie was better

Forrest Gump.  The book was TRASH

8) Cried while reading

Of course.  If you don't loose your shit when Matthew Cuthbert dies you are completely soulless and dead inside

9) Went over your book budget

I don't have a specific budget for books.  I buy used as cheap as I can.                    Less $$$ = Books ++++

10) Made someone read your favorite book

No.  My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird, so most people had to read it for school

11) Fangirled over an author

Not publicly

12) Waited up for a book to hit your kindle


13) Followed your favourite author online

No.  Do not do social media

14) Pulled out your kindle at a party

Do not attend parties, but I have no shame about reading anywhere, anytime

15) Gone to a book signing

Yes.   Haven Kimmell came to a coffee shop in my town.  She was amazed to hear I grew up in a small town not too far from where she grew up in Indiana.  Her brother lives a few towns from where I used to live in Wyoming

16) Joined a book club

No.  Wine and wrong opinions don't interest me

17) Laughed out loud at a book


18) Got an ARC (Advanced Reader Copy)

I review for Netgalley, so yes

19) Read a taboo trope


20) Missed a meal so you could read

Eat while reading.  That's why PopTarts were invented

21) Waited in your car to read

Not my car, but yes

22) Listen to an audiobook


23) Messaged an author online


24) Took a selfie with an author


25) Traveled for a book event


26) Met a book model

Huh? Like some one who models on book covers?  

27) Watched Passionflix

What is that?

28) Swooned over a book character

Mr. Knightley, oh so aptly named

29) Wished to live in a book

Do the Marches need a 5th sister?

30) Wanted to live at a library

Only every day since I took my first trip to the public library at age 5

31) Hated a character in a book

I love who I love.  Fuck the rest

32) Threatened to go “Misery” on an author

WAY TOO EXTREME. An author does not write their books just for you

33) Hugged or kissed a book

What am I, your Grandma? Full penetration all the way.  And I don't stop till that book has been TOTALLY read.  I leave those books quivering, begging for a re-read

34) read a later book in a series – before reading the first book.


35) burned a book.

Yeah,  just the other day when I was hanging out with this fireman ...

36) read a book I knew I would hate.


37) written a fanfiction about my favorite books

does Sam-I-Am porn count?

38) loved a book when I was young, yet hated it when I got older

Yes.  A book I read when I was a teen, Princess Ashley.  Oh Chelsea, grow a spine already!

39) dressed up as one of my favorite literary characters


40) hated a book by an author I love


41) gone into a bookstore to buy one book and come out with many more

Honey, I have ruined at least 2 or 3 shopping bags at my local library sale...there is no such thing as buying only one book

42) read the ending of a book before reading the beginning.

No.  I have flipped after a few pages though

43) read a book without the dust cover.

Why is this an issue? All that matters is READING THE BOOK

44) skim-read nearly half the book.


45) pretended to have read a book that I haven’t.


46) seen the movie before reading the book

Ashamed to say, but like, all of Jane Austen 

47) read a history book or anthropology book for fun

I have an issue with this question.  Any one can see something as fun that others may not.  Again, as long as people are READING, distinctions are not necessary

48) picked up a book based on the cover alone.

I don't think just on cover alone...usually title and cover combo


49) bought multiple books in a series without having started it.

Yes - 2 series infact

50) kept reading a series even if I didn’t love the first book.


51) kept buying books even though my bookshelves are full of unread books.

Yes.  I support my local library at their quarterly sale and take home many books for which I don't have shelf space...luckily the universe invented baskets

52) bought/read a book because of a booktuber/book blogger.

No.  Again, not really concerned about the opinions of others

53) given a book as a shower, birthday, Christmas, graduation, or wedding gift.


54) thrown away or donated a book you really wanted to keep?


55) Stayed up all night to finish a book

Yes, a few times

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