Tuesday, November 21, 2023



10 ~ Books occupy my time ~ When I'm waiting for the bus, or on an afternoon when it's too snowy to go outside (which is often in Wyoming) I always have something to do

9 ~ Books give me movies and TV to watch ~ Whether it's re-watching Greta Gerwig's Little Women for the hundredth time or checking out a brand new series, I always discover something new

8 ~ Books gave me a motif for decorating my living room ~ My decor motif is cozy reading nook and my living room is filled with literary tote bags, bookish candles, a fan made from a book, flowers made from the pages of a book, and of course actual books

7 ~ Books inspire me ~ I read mostly feminist historical fiction so I'm always learning about women from the past and the odds they had to overcome, which inspires me to be the best person I can be

6 ~ Books help me learn about the lives of authors ~ I have loved learning about the lives of authors ever since I read the Little House on the Prairie series of books when I was a child. Every classic book I read makes me want to learn about the author's life

5 ~ Books mean I get to sport some pretty cool bookish gear ~ I have many books themed t-shirts, socks and of course tote bags which I use to tell the world that I am a book person

4 ~ Books help me learn about the past ~ I have learned so much about other races and cultures and everything they have had to go through to shape our modern world

3 ~ Books give me an escape ~ I have anxiety and borderline agoraphobia so I have difficulty dealing with people. When I read books I don't have to talk or express myself eloquently ; I can just enjoy the lives of other people without feeling like I'm not living my life the way other people think I should

2 ~ Books got me back into writing ~ I have dreamed of becoming an author my whole life, and I've never really known what I wanted to be when I grew up except that I wanted whatever I did to involve books. I found Net-galley and signed up to review books thinking it would be great to be able to read my favorite author's new releases before anyone else, but in reviewing books I've returned to writing and I hope to expand my book blog to include more writing in the coming year

1 ~ Books give me a sense of community ~ Whether I'm in a bookstore or library, or simply watching a book unboxing on youtube, I feel like I am amongst my people


  1. Great reasons! It's rarely too cold to go outside here in the Phoenix area, but it's almost always too hot. Reading is a great excuse to stay inside with the air conditioning blasting. I use it a lot :)

    Happy TTT!


  2. The bookish community is the best. I'm happy that I joined it.
